Funeral Costs & Payments

We live in a society which is prevalent with financial difficulties. Meeting deadlines and striving to be economically prudent impinges in all our lives. Hence it is imperative that families and individuals alike maintain a keen eye on their household incomes. However there are times when situations emerge which throws the family into disarray. One such scenario is the death of a loved one.

There is one certainty which we are all absolutely positive of happening in our own lives and that is facing death. It is estimated that everyone will at least experience the death of a loved one in their own life time. It may be a family member, a close friend or a work colleague.

Funeral charges are made up of two types of costs

Funeral Director Charges

These relate to the services and materials provided by Harley Funeral Services. They include, for example, the coffin, hearse and limousine transport, habit/shroud and embalming.

Payments to Third Parties

These relate to costs incurred as part of the agreed funeral arrangements. We pay third party costs on your behalf and then include those costs on the final bill and are only ever costs incurred with your prior approval. Typically, these payments make up the majority of the cost of a funeral and include things like the purchase of a grave, grave opening, cremation charges, church fees, Mass donation, newspaper notices, organist and other musicians, soloist.

Funeral Payments

We at Harley Funeral Services completely understand the sensitive nature surrounding the death of a loved one. We will not issue a funeral account to any of the families until 4 weeks after the death has occurred (unless they request it sooner).

DHSS Social Fund

If a family is making an application to the DHSS Social Fund and requires assistance we are more than happy to guide them. The DHSS funeral expenses payment is currently £700.00 plus the cost of the grave (or the cost of cremation if that option is taken). If necessary, we will also discuss and agree a suitable repayment plan with the family.